where every purchase is a gift to the world

Your monetary donations will be multiplied, by helping to turn the onslaught of item donations (one blessing of COVID-19 stay home orders) nto a response to human needs. When you shop, volunteer and donate items and dollars to ReUzit on State, you are impacting and giving to those with names and stories such as:
You give dignity and confidence to Ana, a single mom with three growing children, as they choose quality and affordable clothing for the school year
To Jose and Elizabeth, a previously homeless couple, you give the opportunity to choose a dining room table for their new apartment and to dream of a better future.
You affirm thrifting as an admirable decision made by Heather and Tonya, young Gen-Xers striving to consume more reasonably and care for the planet.
You provide healthcare, emergency food assistance, clean water and education to Maryam, Mingna, Kaili, and many other children and adults in 50 countries through Mennonite Central Committee programs supported by ReUzit on State’s net profits.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. We value your interest and take seriously the stewardship of your time, talents and donation.